Temple Navigation steps you though what you need to know about using Temple 9.
By the end of the course you will know how to make Selections, Copy and Paste retrievals, use Keep, Sort and Format rules and create a Rank Report with Attributes.

Subjects covered include: Dynamic Selections using Filters, Variable Measures and Subtotal By selections
At the end of the session you will be able to make a Dynamic Selection and create your own Totals using Subtotal By.

Working with Distribution will give you an understanding of the different Distribution Measures in Temple along with use cases and definitions.
Tracking New Products will show you how to combine the Distribution Measures with methods of identifying what's new and tracking how fast the Distribution grew.
This module will take approximately 45 minutes.

After completing this module you will understand the key Price Measures, and be able to complete some Promotional Analysis using Templates.

Temple for PowerPoint will show you how to build refreshable charts and Text in PowerPoint.